Yoga offers kids a healthy way to
have fun
stretch muscles
strengthen muscles
practice coordination
maintain balance
develop body awareness
a non competitive approach
practice mindfulness
increase confidence while building a positive self image
learn skills to calming and self regulating big feelings
learn breathing techniques that also reduce stress
Children's Yoga is Wonderful

Through the amazing resources of children's
literature, I love to approach kids
yoga as an opportunity for
fun & growth whiling
utilizing our body & minds.
The magic of using books
as a lesson guide awards
potential life lessons in
between the calm.
Promoting a mindful approach through yoga and play
Some of the Literary Favorite Class Guide
The Giving Tree
Where the Wild Things Roam
Ayelet's Adventure
The Cow Said Neigh
Giraffes Can't Dance
How to catch a star
Alice and Wonderland
Turtle Batsboots
I'm Not scared
The Little Mermaid
The Story Book Knight